Sessionon CancerChemotherapy

Sessionon CancerChemotherapy

Chemotherapyis a type of cancer treatment that involves the administration of one or moreanti-cancer medications as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Chemotherapycan also be given with a curative intent, or with the goal of extending life orreducing symptoms. This seminar will look at how to improve treatmenteffectiveness while reducing adverse effects.

Related: Oncology Summit Cancer Workshops |Cancer Congress Immunotherapy Symposium | Oncology Conference Oncology Conferences Oncology Events

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

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