Sessionon LungCancer

Sessionon LungCancer

The overall 5-yearsurvival rate for both limited and extended stage small cell lungcancer is only about 6% and the average life expectancy for extensivestage without treatment is 2 to 4 months and 6 to 12 months with treatment. Asa result, this workshop will focus on new lung cancer prevention and treatmentstrategies.

Related: Oncology Events Cancer Meetings Oncology Summit Carcinoma Workshops Oncology Congress | Oncology Symposium Oncology Conference

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

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