Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Exploring Current Trends and Advances in Oncology and Cancer Research

Welcome Message

2nd International conference on Clinical Oncology and Pharmacology will take place in DublinIreland on October 19-20, 2020Oncology 2020 is comprised of many interactive scientific sessions on different types of cancer and pharmacology as well as various diagnostic and therapeutic advancements in this field. It is an initiative to unite the diverse research and business communities working in this field under a one roof to explore every single aspect of Clinical Oncology and Pharmacology.  Oncology 2020 welcomes the Oncologists, pharmacologists, immunologists, haematologists, pathologists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from biomedical and healthcare sectors to be a part of it in Oncology conferences. Oncology 2020 will include speaker talks, brief keynote presentations, exhibitions and workshops where researchers and associations will exchange ideas and discuss the methodology for new Diagnostics and treatment methods for Hematologic Disorders, care of patients, management and new approaches emerging in Oncology etc.

Prestigious, Oncologist, postgraduates, affiliations, Haematology, Oncology educators and business meanders will gather under the same rooftop.

Why to attend?                        

Conferences share millions of information’s to companies and universities. It is advantageous to researchers and medical students furthermore for scientific laboratory technicians and professors. Conferences additionally benefits and share info between scientist, doctors and delegates. One company network with completely different company which they share information to every alternative regarding their product at the conference. Companies come back to attend conferences and show their exhibit before of eminent members and delegates present at the Conference. It will be amazing opportunity for the participants to explore the beautiful city with gaining knowledge. To fight against these hard to cure blood disorders, Oncology 2020, has taken this initiative to explore every aspect of Oncology research.

Benefits of Publishing

In 2nd International Conference on Clinical Oncology and Pharmacology authors gain in many ways

·        Standards of high-quality, rapid peer-review and production

·        Enhances visibility and presence of the author due to free dissemination and frequent citation

·        Liberal licensing and re-use policy through Creative Commons license

·        Easy and immediate Online access

·        High Impact factor and chances of getting cited thus enhance the authors API Index

Target Audience

·        Oncologists

·        Pharmacologists

·        Hematologists

·        Pathologists

·        Immunologists

·        Research Scholars

·        Student delegates from Academia and Research along with the industrial professionals

·        Industrial professionals from biomedical companies and healthcare sectors.

About Conference

Dear Colleagues and Friends, Sponsors and Exhibitors,

The Organizing Committee of Oncology 2020 will be delighted to welcome all participants around the world to attend the 2nd International Conference on Clinical Oncology and Pharmacology held in Dublin from 19-20 October, 2020. The conferences will be conducted by renowned Oncologists at Dublin, Ireland on refreshing the theme “Disputes for Oncology and pharmacology during Covid-19”.

Oncology 2020 is an extraordinary event designed to promote the propagation and implementation of oncology and pharmacology related research findings by international medical practitioners, Pharmacologists and oncologists. The Oncology 2020 Conference invites participants from all leading universities, medical and diagnostic facilities to share and highlight their research perspectives on all facets of this rapidly expanding field. Oncology 2020 provides the opportunity and lively platform to reinforce these steps and fulfil the greatest demand ever through reflection and intellectual interactions through these auspicious events. Allied Academies sponsored research conferences all over the globe to develop and speed up exploration for a better future with a variety of scientific studies.

The not-for-profit firm plans to host an average of 100 international conferences every year sponsored by over 10,000 editorial board members and over 100 Open Access Journals. The website has been visited by 7.5 a million users and is still being taken into account. There have recently been about 1000 scientific organisations, from different fields around the world, interested in promoting their research work in collaboration with Allied.

Conferences of Allied Academies have interesting features such as B2B conferences, trade fairs, International Symposiums, seminars and international workshops for developing regional networking and productive educational and business collaborations. The 'Young Scientists Awards' are initiated by Allied to the world's young scientists and academics.

Oncology2020 offers a great forum for exchanging opinions, information exchanges and research partnerships and networking. The conference is focused on providing insightful Oncology and pharmacology research: challenges and achievements.

The Oncology 2020 Conference is a forum for world-renowned scientists working in public health, educators, business experts and practitioners to discuss the state of the art of science and innovations. Oncology 2020 is a special venue for the oncology conference.

Connect with us to Socialize, Interact, and Network and collaborate at 2nd International Conference on Clinical Oncology and Pharmacology.

We are looking forward to hosting you in Dublin!


Organizing Committee
Oncology 2020

Session Tracks

Sessionon Cancer Biology and Oncology

The body may use celldivision as a conventional means of growth and repair. When there is noneed for more female offspring cells, healthy cells cease proliferating, butcancer cells continue to divide. Cancercells divide uncontrollably, producing solid tumours or infiltrating thebloodstream with aberrant cells. These alterations, as well as the molecularnetworks that control cell proliferation, differentiation, and death, arestudied in cancer biology. Medical specialisation refers to the study ofvarious types of cancer.

Related: Oncology Conference Cancer Conferences Cancer Events Healthcare Meetings Oncology Summit Oncology Workshops Oncology Congress

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

Session on Oncology Causes,Diagnosis and Treatment

Changes (mutations) inthe polymer among cells causes cancer. Cancer'ssigns and symptoms vary depending on which region of the body is afflicted. Todiagnose cancer, doctors look at the symptoms and perform a variety ofdifferent tests. Let's look at the current causes and diagnosticprocedures for cancer and tumours throughoutthis session.

Related: Oncology Symposium Cancer Conference Cancer Conferences Healthcare Events | Oncology Meetings Oncology Summit Cancer Workshops

RelatedAssociations: The Societyof Gynaecologic OncologyAmerican Society of BreastSurgeonsSociety for Haematology and stem cellsThe ConnectiveTissue Oncology SocietyMusculoskeletal Tumour SocietyAmerican Cancer SocietyNational Cancer InstituteNCINationalComprehensive Cancer NetworkAmerican Head and NeckSocietySocietyfor Melanoma ResearchKidney CancerAssociation.

Sessionon PreventiveOncology

Between 30 and 50 per cent of all cancer cases are avoidable at the unit level. Interference isthe most effective long-term method for cancermanagement. During this session, we're going to discuss the odds ofpreventing cancer, as well as the stages and tactics involved in doing so!

Related: Cancer Congress Cancer Symposium Cancer Conference Healthcare Conferences | Oncology Events  

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Radiation Oncology

Radiation oncology isan emerging treatment strategy in cancer cure that employs Chemotherapy,Immunotherapy,and HormonalTherapy to treat cancer in an effective manner. This workshop will lookinto an emerging cancer therapy approach.

Related: Oncology Conferences Cancer Events |Cancer Meetings Healthcare Summit Oncology Workshops | Cancer Congress Oncology Symposium

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical OncologyCommunity Oncology Alliance,  Societyof Surgical OncologyAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow TransplantationAmerican Societyof HaematologyAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research 

Sessionon SurgicalOncology

Surgicaloncology is a type of cancer treatment that involves surgery to detect,stage, and treat cancer. The kind, size, location, grade, and stage of the tumour,as well as concerns related to the patient's health, such as age, fitness, andother medical conditions determine whether a patient is a candidate forsurgery.

Related: Oncology Events Cancer Meetings Cancer Summit Healthcare Workshops Oncology Congress | Cancer Symposium | Oncology Conference

RelatedAssociations: The Societyof Gynaecologic OncologyAmerican Society of BreastSurgeonsSociety for Haematology and stem cellsThe ConnectiveTissue Oncology SocietyMusculoskeletal Tumour SocietyAmerican Cancer SocietyNational Cancer InstituteNCINationalComprehensive Cancer NetworkAmerican Head and NeckSocietySocietyfor Melanoma ResearchKidney CancerAssociation.

Sessionon RadiationTherapy

Radiationtherapy to eliminate harmful cells has become a common diagnosis method fora variety of cancers. To cure cancer, it uses X-rays,gammarayselectronbeams, or protons.Adjuvant radiationpalliative radiotherapy,and curativeradiotherapy are the three types of radiotherapy. Early detection, the sizeof the tumour, and the histological makeup of cancer all play a role in itsprognosis. Gamma Knife surgery, Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy,Triggered imaging radiosurgery, Brachytherapy, External Beam RadiationTreatment, Total Body Irradiation, Total Skin Irradiation, Stereotactic BodyRadiation Therapy and others are examples of radiation therapy techniques. Thelatest developments in radiation therapy, as well as any novel methods thathave become accessible, can be discussed.

Related: Oncology Meetings Cancer Summit Cancer Workshops | Melanoma Congress | ChemotherapySymposium OncologyConference Oncology Conferences

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical OncologyCommunity Oncology Alliance,  Societyof Surgical OncologyAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow TransplantationAmerican Societyof HaematologyAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research 

Sessionon CancerChemotherapy

Chemotherapyis a type of cancer treatment that involves the administration of one or moreanti-cancer medications as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Chemotherapycan also be given with a curative intent, or with the goal of extending life orreducing symptoms. This seminar will look at how to improve treatmenteffectiveness while reducing adverse effects.

Related: Oncology Summit Cancer Workshops |Cancer Congress Immunotherapy Symposium | Oncology Conference Oncology Conferences Oncology Events

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Melanomaand Carcinoma

Melanomais a dangerous type of skin cancer that starts in cells called melanocytes.Melanoma is far more hazardous than carcinoma because it can quickly spread toother organs if not treated early, whereas carcinomabegins in cells that make up the skin or tissue lining organs like the liver orkidneys.

Related: Oncology Workshop Cancer Congresses Cancer Symposia Chemotherapy Conferences | Oncology Conference Oncology Event Oncology Meeting

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical OncologyCommunity Oncology Alliance,  Societyof Surgical OncologyAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow TransplantationAmerican Societyof HaematologyAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research 

Sessionon Carcinogenesis & CancerMutagenesis

Carcinogenesisoccurs when normal cells are turned into cancer cells, while mutagenesisoccurs when genetic information is changed in a natural or artificial fashion,and it can result in a variety of disorders, including cancer. As a result,this session looks into the possibility of mutagenesis being reduced.

Related: Oncology Symposium Cancer Conference Cancer Conferences Healthcare Events | Oncology Meetings Oncology Summit Cancer Workshops

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon GynaecologicOncology

It is estimated that98,000 women will be diagnosed with gynecologic cancer this year, with only30,000 dying as a result of the illness. Cancers of the femalereproductive system, such as sex gland cancer, female internal reproductiveorgan cancer, canal cancer, cervical cancer, and others, are investigated in Gynecologicmedicine.

Related: Oncology Conference Cancer Conferences Cancer Events Carcinoma Meetings | Oncology Summit Oncology Workshops Oncology Congress

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon LungCancer

The overall 5-yearsurvival rate for both limited and extended stage small cell lungcancer is only about 6% and the average life expectancy for extensivestage without treatment is 2 to 4 months and 6 to 12 months with treatment. Asa result, this workshop will focus on new lung cancer prevention and treatmentstrategies.

Related: Oncology Events Cancer Meetings Oncology Summit Carcinoma Workshops Oncology Congress | Oncology Symposium Oncology Conference

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

Session on Breast Cancer

Breastcancer is the most common invasive cancer in women, and it is also thesecond greatest cause of cancer death in women. As you become older, yourchances of developing carcinoma increase. The chance of having cancer in thenext decade is 0.06 per cent at twenty years. By the age of seventy, thepercentage had risen to 3.84 per cent. As a result, this session can focus on enhancingsurvivability.

Related: Oncology Events Cancer Meetings Oncology Summit Carcinoma Workshops Oncology Congress | Oncology Symposium Oncology Conference

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Metastasis and DrugResistance

Cancer cells break awayfrom their original site of formation, migrate via the blood or lymph system,and establish new tumors in distant parts of the body during metastasis.Due to drug resistance, chemotherapyfails to treat the majority of cancer patients with advanced disease,particularly those with the most common kinds of solid tumours. As a result,this session focuses on metastasisrestriction and breakage of drugresistance to treat cancer.

Related: Oncology Meetings Cancer Summit Cancer Workshops | Melanoma Congress | ChemotherapySymposium OncologyConference Oncology Conferences

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Drug Development  in Oncology

 In 2018, the US Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) approved or added additional indications to47 oncology medications or biologics, while the FDA has already approved 20oncology drugs or biologics in 2019. The drug-development process, which couldlead to approval, is lengthy and involves numerous procedures to guarantee thatthe medication is both safe and effective. We will make a greater contributionto the advancement of this session.

Related: Oncology Summit Cancer Workshops Cancer Congress Immunotherapy Symposium | Oncology Conference Oncology Conferences Oncology Events

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Oncology: Lifestyleand Nutrition

Not only for cancertreatment, but for everyone's health, a healthy lifestyle and proper diet areessential. The degree of cancer risk is determined by one's lifestyleand nutrition choices. As a result, this class focuses on how to live ahealthy lifestyle!

Related: Oncology Event Cancer Meeting Cancer Summit Surgical Oncology Workshop | Oncology Congresses Cancer Symposia | Oncology Conferences

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

Session on ClinicalTrials in Oncology

Even though there are clinical,medicinal,and surgicalways for properly treating cancer patients, many new clinical trials are beingconducted in the development of novel therapeutic approaches to treat cancermore effectively and efficiently. As a result, innovative cancer treatmentprocedures can be brought to the world's attention through this session.

Related: Cancer CongressesCancer Symposia Cancer Conferences ImmunotherapyConference Oncology Event  

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

Session on Oncology Nursing & Palliative Care

Palliativecare is a type of patient-centred, family-centered care that aims toimprove quality of life by reducing suffering. Medical specialty nurses have theskills necessary to provide high-quality care, and they are well-positioned tohelp reshape palliative care for cancer patients.

Related: Oncology Workshop Cancer Congresses Cancer Symposia Chemotherapy Conferences | Oncology Conference Oncology Event Oncology Meeting

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

Sessionon Oncology CaseReports

The investigation ofcancer and tumors, such as bar, identification, and treatment information, isreferred to as oncologyand cancer case reports. This case reports aid in the gathering of informationabout diseases and the development of remedies as a result.

Related: Oncology Conferences Cancer Conference Cancer Event Immnuotherapy Meeting | Oncology Summit Oncology Workshop Oncology Congresses

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical Oncology - ASCOCommunity Oncology Alliance - COA,  Societyof Surgical Oncology - SSOAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - ASTROAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow Transplantation – ASBMTAmerican Societyof Haematology - ASHAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research - AACR

Session on Cancerstruggles during COVID-19

People who have had cancertreatment are more likely to have severe COVID-19 disease.Chemotherapy, radiation, and the medications they were given during treatmentmay have weakened their immune systems, making them more susceptible to the corona virus.

Related: Oncology Workshop Cancer Congresses Cancer Symposia Chemotherapy Conferences | Oncology Conference Oncology Event Oncology Meeting

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date March 18-19, 2020
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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