It is estimated that98,000 women will be diagnosed with gynecologic cancer this year, with only30,000 dying as a result of the illness. Cancers of the femalereproductive system, such as sex gland cancer, female internal reproductiveorgan cancer, canal cancer, cervical cancer, and others, are investigated in Gynecologicmedicine.
Related: Oncology Conference | Cancer Conferences | Cancer Events | Carcinoma Meetings | Oncology Summit | Oncology Workshops | Oncology Congress
RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncology, Societyof Interventional Radiology, Association for CancerSurgery, Paediatric RadiationOncology Society, American Collegeof Radiation Oncology, Societyfor Integrative Oncology, American Academy of Hospiceand Palliative Medicine, Societyfor Immunotherapy of Cancer, AmericanPsychosocial Oncology Society, American Societyof Preventive Oncology.