Sessionon Melanomaand Carcinoma

Sessionon Melanomaand Carcinoma

Melanomais a dangerous type of skin cancer that starts in cells called melanocytes.Melanoma is far more hazardous than carcinoma because it can quickly spread toother organs if not treated early, whereas carcinomabegins in cells that make up the skin or tissue lining organs like the liver orkidneys.

Related: Oncology Workshop Cancer Congresses Cancer Symposia Chemotherapy Conferences | Oncology Conference Oncology Event Oncology Meeting

RelatedAssociations: American Societyof Clinical OncologyCommunity Oncology Alliance,  Societyof Surgical OncologyAmericanSociety of Therapeutic Radiology and OncologyAmericanSociety of Blood and Marrow TransplantationAmerican Societyof HaematologyAmericanAssociation of Cancer Research 

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