Sessionon PreventiveOncology

Sessionon PreventiveOncology

Between 30 and 50 per cent of all cancer cases are avoidable at the unit level. Interference isthe most effective long-term method for cancermanagement. During this session, we're going to discuss the odds ofpreventing cancer, as well as the stages and tactics involved in doing so!

Related: Cancer Congress Cancer Symposium Cancer Conference Healthcare Conferences | Oncology Events  

RelatedAssociations: Society of UrologicOncologySocietyof Interventional RadiologyAssociation for CancerSurgeryPaediatric RadiationOncology SocietyAmerican Collegeof Radiation OncologySocietyfor Integrative OncologyAmerican Academy of Hospiceand Palliative MedicineSocietyfor Immunotherapy of CancerAmericanPsychosocial Oncology SocietyAmerican Societyof Preventive Oncology.

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